A Dream Reading With Datura


Hey! I know this is a little random but I was wondering if I could get some insight on a short dream I had regarding datura.. if you say no I totally understand and it won’t hurt my feelings at all.. I can wait and pay you when I get paid also.. it wasn’t while eating a truffle.. I just recently bought my first bby datura plant, and then I had this curious dream about it and you’re the only person I know to turn to regarding the spirit of datura. I definitely will be buying another truffle with datura when I can to dive deeper into this relationship also, whether you give insight or not 🥰


Hello! It's not something we typically do, but you're absolutely welcome to share your dream (no charge!). I'll pass it over to Seumas and he'll give you any immediate insights that come to him. We'll help however we can 💜 - Brighid 😊🖤💜🌸🐝🍄🌈


Oh thank you dearly! And I promise this will be the one and only time. It was pretty much I took flowers and ground them up with pink salt and some kind of oil, and it made a beautiful pink paste.. I was with other people I don’t know. I licked a little off the spoon, and a girl next to me took a whole spoonful even after I warned her it wasn’t the best idea. I felt no effects. And I looked at her and she seemed normal. But there was a reflection in a mirror (but it almost seemed like in the back of my mind) I could hear her saying she felt like she was burning from the inside, and in the reflection she was acting hysterical..
to me it seemed either I wasn’t feeling the effects, or the effects where that it was a totally different reality.
And I know datura is known for being a trickster.. so I wondered if that’s what it was showing me.
also I have no intentions of ever taking this plant internally (other than a truffle here or there)

I just want to double express too outside of a truffle here or there I will never take this plant internally or anything like that..
I was just curious as to the two different realities it caused in my dream


Hi, this is Seumas. So I did see something very clearly and I will share what I saw, but just take it in and sit with it a few days. If it doesn't resonate with you, just let it go. ^_^


Thank you so very, very dearly!!


You felt like you didnt feel anything but you clearly had new abilities so I think the plant was telling you that even if you dont think you are feeling it it is still clearly working with you...again its one of those reminders that we must let go of all of our preconceived notions of what working with these plants must be like...like in this instance, that it should 'feel' like it's working. In your dream you couldn't 'feel' it but you could clearly 'see' it plain as day, even if you didn't make that connection yourself. I personally don't see Datura as a trickster at all. That's just some widely spread folklore (for lack of a better word) but it has never been my experience. <3


there's more...


I also saw a multi layered insight that I think the plant was showing you...One was that you were being mindful with the plant and in turn the plant was gentle and easy with you..the other person was being reckless even after you headed them warning, they were driven by ego and that same ego drove them to further deceive you by insisting that they felt fine even though you had the deeper vision that she was being tormented..perhaps just because she ate too much or perhaps because she didnt take the plant respectfully the plant was showing her ugly truths about herself with no gentleness and this is her inward experience as she denies those truths


I also see the dream as a very clear message to be careful with who you trust in general but also when it comes to these these plants. There are people who are deceiving you even though by every appearance they seem like what they say and do is legitimate and true. There is a dishonesty that is hidden from clear view and that is also what the plant was telling you/showing you


I dont get a scary or foreboding feeling, very much the opposit. You are being shown that you do have the ability to see the difference and that these plants, when used respectfully, can help you with that ability. I'm sure that leaning more into your ancestors and other guides helps you as well. <3


Just maybe trust in those flashes of thought that are telling you that something someone is saying doesn't seem quite right <3


and maybe when people seem overly confident to remember that what they are sharing may not be what it seems


To me, the pink salt just represented the earth and this is earth medicine so it fits. The pink is gentle, sweet, & healing.


I’m literally in tears. This means so much to me.. In so many deep ways. I’m definitely going to take some time to meditate with this and my new datura bb (a torna loco), and just feel and be still and silent. I’ve been fearful working with datura because every time I mention it to people in a normal setting, I get a lot of back lash.. but of all the plants.. this is the one that just is always there, wether I’m looking or not.. it always leads back to datura. Thank you from the bottom of my soul. This helped settle the fear I felt for my new datura friend, and is helping me see I can trust in myself more.. bless you so so dearly again for taking time out of your day to go over this with me and give so much insight I was failing to see. I feel so loved and I feel that connection with my datura now as a blessing instead of an omen. I’ll definitely be buying more truffles as soon as I can too to further this relationship.
Thank you, a million times over 🤍


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