learn about the nightshade plants

This page is here to offer another way to approach choosing which truffles or other sweet treats to purchase. It is a place to make getting to know these plants as helpers, guides, and trusted elders more accessible to everyone, regardless of their prior experiences. See bottom of page for additional info.


all things belladonna flowers belladonna berries belladonna plant

Atropa Belladonna

A great plant to start with if you haven't worked with nightshades before as she awashes us with a gentle yet deep sense of self-love. Belladonna, known for her profound attributes, holds immense potential in guiding individuals towards self-discovery and self-acceptance. Harnessing her energy can unfold a transformative journey, enabling the cultivation of confidence and resilience in the core of one's being. Delving into the depths of her wisdom, Belladonna helps us tap into forgotten wisdom of our ancestors, resurrecting ancient knowledge buried beneath the dust of time. Those who seek solace in her presence often embrace a serene calmness, while her words serve as a beacon of reassurance amidst life's uncertainties. In the realm of self-love and self-expression, she acts as an exceptional mentor, unveiling the intricacies of these arts with immense grace. Just as the gentle caress of her touch can plunge us into a state of deep relaxation, Belladonna's essence remains an unwavering source of guidance and support on the path of personal growth.

  • Atropa belladonna var lutea, baetica, & Turkmenistan


all things henbane plant nightshade chocolate truffles

Hyoscyamus niger

Henbane, a widely acknowledged herb known for its potent sacred feminine energy, possesses the extraordinary ability to envelop individuals in a profound spiritual solace, ensuring their well-being with unwavering efficacy. Her remarkable essence unlocks remarkable revelations, allowing us to gain unparalleled insight into our own behavior and perspectives. As a steadfast mentor, Henbane guides us towards discovering our internal reservoirs of strength, simultaneously grounding us in the primal and influential manifestations of our feminine energy, drawing upon the profound lineage of our ancestors. In a world yearning for the wisdom of experienced elders and the nurturing essence of matriarchs, Henbane emerges as an indispensable presence, symbolizing the collective yearning of our planet.

  • Hyoscyamus muticus
    Hyoscyamus alba
    Hyoscyamus aureus


Datura Experience Nightshade Truffles Plant Spirit Medicine Healing Chocolate Transformational Treats Spiritual Alchemy Occult Practices Empowered Indulgence Gourmet Alchemy Alchemy Kitchen Mystical Chocolate Sacred Cacao Ancient Healing

Datura metel

Customers consistently report back positive, healing, and nurturing experiences with Datura. Datura serves as a pivotal ingredient in my handcrafted chocolate nightshade truffles. When indulging in these decadent treats, most individuals find themselves enveloped in Datura's boundless compassion, which she expresses through attentive listening and the ability to offer profound insights. This unique connection with Datura often leads to transformative shifts in perspective, heralding a new era of empirically informed thinking. With her remarkable healing capabilities, Datura possesses the potential not only to restore individuals to a state of well-being but also to foster unity more globally. Furthermore, her mystical essence allows us to tap into the ancient bloodlines that course through our veins, unlocking a profound connection to our collective past. Truly, Datura's presence as a teacher is nothing short of extraordinary.

  • Datura stramonium
    Datura wrightii
    Datura inoxia
    Datura discolor


all things brugmansia plant nightshade truffles gourmet chocolate

Brugmansia suaveolens

Brugmansia (Angel's Trumpet) is a truly remarkable plant that possesses the extraordinary ability to facilitate deep and profound ritual work. It serves as a magical conduit, effortlessly bridging the gap between our earthly existence and the realm of the sacred and divine. When one engages with Brugmansia, its essence becomes a vessel, allowing us to tune into ethereal voices and receive divine guidance from the other side.
The potency of this plant's energy is reminiscent of the purest snow melt cascading down untouched mountain peaks. Just as this untarnished water carries a crystalline clarity, Brugmansia bestows upon us a sense of lucidity, enabling us to connect with the spiritual realm with unparalleled clarity. Within the sacred space created by this enchanting plant, we find solace and receive the profound healing that our souls and psyches so desperately need.
Brugmansia has an extraordinary ability to cleanse and purify our innermost being, gently washing away the ancient scars that have burdened our soul. Through its transformative power, this magnificent plant allows us to shed the weight of past traumas and open ourselves to a renewed sense of wholeness. Like a skilled gardener caring for delicate seedlings, Brugmansia guides us in planting and nurturing new seeds of growth and transformation.
In the sanctuary of Brugmansia's presence, we are enveloped by a sacred embrace that nurtures and uplifts our spirit. It is within this space that we can truly experience the depth of our own inner power and connect with the sacred wisdom that resides within us. Brugmansia invites us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual expansion, creating a harmonious balance between the earthly and the divine.
So, if you seek a profound and transformative experience in your ritual work, turn to Brugmansia. Allow this remarkable plant to guide you to a sacred place where ancient wounds are healed, and new beginnings flourish. Embrace the enchantment of Brugmansia's presence and discover the magical realm that awaits you on the other side.

  • Brugmansia x candida
    Brugmansia aurea
    Brugmansia sanguinea
    Brugmansia versicolor


Mandragora officinarum

Mandrake, with its potent abilities, serves as a guiding light on our journey to discovering our true life callings and embracing our passions. It instills in us not only fearlessness but also a laser-sharp focus, crucial attributes needed to pursue these newfound desires wholeheartedly. In the depths of the darkest situations, Mandrake acts as a beacon, illuminating our path and revealing the hidden solutions that lie within. Its empowering effect facilitates a profound shift towards healthier thinking, allowing us to grasp onto the newfound clarity we need to make positive changes in our lives.
This extraordinary plant, with its transformative powers, holds the key to unlocking a treasure trove of forgotten memories. With Mandrake as our trusted ally, long-lost recollections from dreamtime, altered states of consciousness, past lives, and other enigmatic secrets are meticulously restored. Each interaction with this mystical plant brings forth countless "aha" moments, leaving us awestruck by the depth of our own experiences and the vastness of our untapped potential.
Throughout history, Mandrake has earned a well-deserved reputation as one of the most powerful companions for those who possess a deep understanding of its capabilities. With its guidance and support, we embark on a remarkable journey of growth, self-discovery, and fulfillment. Mandrake becomes a trustworthy friend, aiding us in our quest to live a truly purposeful and passionate life.

  • Mandragora turcomanica

Amanita Muscaria

all things amanita muscaria fly agaric chocolate truffles

Amanita muscaria

Amanita Muscaria, commonly known as Fly Agaric, serves as a powerful conduit for universal healing, seamlessly connecting us with transformative solutions. Imbued with the wisdom of ancient mysteries that predate even the oldest civilizations, these revered fungi possess the incredible ability to deliver expansive visions and grant us effortless entry into a vast network of healing and communal consciousness, extending far beyond the confines of humanity. Acting as a bridge, Amanita muscaria yearns to reunite us with the wellspring of existence, encompassing realms above and below, within and without, reaching into the realms that transcend our understanding. Esteemed not only for individual use but also for collective endeavors, this sacred medicine fosters profound interactions whether in intimate gatherings or larger assemblies. The truffles housing Amanita muscaria have been purposefully crafted to facilitate deep connections with the essence of this plant spirit, without necessitating a full-fledged psychedelic journey.

  • Amanita regalis
    Amanita pantherina

Cacao Fruit

all things cacao chocolate nightshade truffles gourmet chocolate

Theobroma cacao

Cacao is like a hybrid between a loving mother and a high priestess. She loves us so much. She sanctifies and strengthens the receptacles of our being to make us stronger and able to hold more. She makes us into a chalice for the divine, ready to be filled, accompanied with a homing beacon to all that would fill it. Her magic is perfect to pair with so many other sacred plants for she allows us to take in more of their many gifts and shows us how to hold on to those gifts and make them part of ourselves. Let your cup overflow with the euphoria of her love. Let your cup overflow with new insights and healing. Cacao is making it safe and easy to open ourselves up to be healed. Receive her sacred medicine. Drink from her soul cup so that your own may overflow. 

*All truffles contain Cacao :-)

Klip Dagga

all things klip dagga plant nightshade chocolate truffles gourmet truffles

Leonotis nepetifolia

Klip Dagga has a lovely calming and slightly euphoric personality. Gorgeous plants when flowering, they shoot out countless bright orange trumpet shaped blossoms full of a sweet nectar that attract bees, butterflies, and birds, hummingbirds especially. In fact, it's hard for me to think of these plants without thinking of the hummingbird medicine they also seem to carry. Hummingbirds have an undeniable mastery over time and space. They can simultaneously move their wings so fast we can barely perceive they are moving yet their bodies remain motionless hovering in a stillness that defies time and space. What an ideal guide to help people cross veils, all kinds of unseen plains, and the spaces between dreamworld and consciousness. The hummingbird's natural inclination to seek out sweetness and beauty further assures that we will be guided to similar destinations when we go into our trance work and the like.

(The daggas can have an effect on the uterus; depending on the dose, they can stimulate- or suppress the menstruation.)


Solandra maxima

Solandra is hands-down the most ancient feeling plant spirit I've ever had the privilege of encountering. From the moment I first consumed it, I sensed a profound connection to something timeless and powerful. It took a few moments to decipher its ancient voice, but once I did, its message resonated within me like an ancient melody echoing through the ages. The sheer volume of wisdom it possessed was almost overwhelming, as if it had been accumulating knowledge and insight for centuries upon centuries. In its presence, I couldn't help but feel as if I had crossed paths with a beloved soul from a past life, someone who had, against all odds, found their way back to me time and time again. It was a mystical reunion, a homecoming of the deepest kind. In that moment, the boundaries of time and space seemed to blur, revealing the unbreakable bond between us, a connection that transcended lifetimes. This reunion with Solandra filled me with a profound sense of belonging, as if I had found my way back to my long-lost family. It was an experience of pure and unwavering love, the kind that knows no conditions or limitations.


Blue Lotus

blue lotus plant nightshade truffles chocolate

(Nymphaea nouchali var. caerulea)

The Blue Lotus, infused with the essence of divine revelation, possesses a sublime capacity to elevate the veiled depths of the subconscious and unconscious to the luminous realm of consciousness. Through her delicate petals, which unfurl gracefully in the earthly realm, she imparts profound insights that resonate with our innermost being. The stem of this mystical flower gently sways in the waters of our subconscious, forging a sacred link to the ancient roots entrenched within the depths of the unconscious mind. Mastery of liminal spaces is her domain, guiding us adeptly as we navigate the threshold between realms. With her divine guidance, we illuminate the shadowed recesses of our psyche, bringing forth latent thoughts and emotions into the radiant light of awareness. In our quest for self-discovery, the Blue Lotus emerges as an invaluable ally, offering guidance and illumination along the sacred path of awakening.


wormwood plant truffle nightshade chocolate

Artemisia absinthium

Wormwood helps us see all that is truly there to see again. We are born having clearer vision but early on we are trained to believe what is acceptable to see and that the rest is imaginary or not really there. Wormwood temporarily pulls down the veils society uses to block our true sight. This gift is for help with closed-eye visions. Truffles with Wormwood will not make you have open eyed hallucinations.

(Wowmwood can stimulate the uterus)


mugwort artemisia plant chocolate truffle nightshade

Artemisia douglasiana (Dream Plant)

Mugworts work as a receptacle and facilitator to collect and hold offerings that do not have a physical shape for clean delivery to the intended spirit, being, or other. Mugwort is ready to receive our non physical being, our intentions, and or our incantations in our most personal of ceremonies for those who are drawn to do such work. She helps to protect us during these vulnerable transactions and is able to cleanse the offerings so they may be given in their purest and cleanest forms.

(Mugwort can have an effect on the uterus; depending on the dose, it can stimulate menstruation.)

  • Artemisia vulgaris

Sun Opener

sun opener plant nightshade truffles chocolate

Heimia salicifolia

In the embrace of Sun Opener's ethereal essence, we're beckoned back to the luminous realms, where shadows yield to the radiant glow. Amidst the depths of darkness, melancholy, and unrest, Heimia Salicifolia's spirit ushers in the golden warmth, igniting a resurgence of lightness and hope. Like the unveiling of a celestial canvas at dawn, Sun Opener reveals boundless wonders and untapped potentials, sweeping away the entwining vines of distraction that obscure our clarity. With its mystical touch, it gently unravels the shackles of pain, judgment, and regret, setting our hearts ablaze with newfound freedom once more. illumination.

Calamus Root

calamus root plant truffle nightshade chocolate

Acorus calamus

Calamus Root imbues us with a clean fertile energy to help pull ourselves from our own sometimes murky depths and better realign us with our true potential. 

(Calamus Root can have an effect on the uterus; depending on the dose, it can stimulate menstruation.)


damiana plant nightshade truffle chocolate

Turnera diffusa

Damiana saturates us with love. When we surrender to her influence, everything we sense and think is done so through her lens of pure exquisite love and it can be like being reborn. The purity of her love offers us nutrition for our soul whether it be to prepare us for something new or to help us recover from a particularly exhausting period for our soul. Damiana loves to be in love so do not be surprised if she sweeps you up into this kind of energy as well but her love medicine far outreaches that of a simple aphrodisiac. 


Wild Lettuce

wild lettuce help us tune in to a more sacred frequency unique to our own self ancient plant of true knowing

Lactuca virosa

Wild Lettuce sedates those unproductive thoughts that do not serve us to help us tune in to a more sacred frequency unique to our own self. A quiet but powerful plant spirit whose power comes from its simplicity of both thoughts and words. An ancient plant of true knowing.


Peganum harmala

One of Rue’s greatest gifts is how she helps other plants amplify their own medicine. Plants are stronger and able to shine more when she is around and what a beautiful gift if we can in turn take from her teachings and learn to better help others by making them stronger and shine brighter in a graceful almost effortless way. There is some in our Pleiadean Moon Nightshade Truffle and Key Keeper Nightshade Truffle as a supportive role and it fits there beautifully. It is such powerful medicine and a medicine the world desperately needs right now. 

  • Ruta graveolens


Crossvine flowers plant chocolate nightshade truffles

Bignonia capreolata

Crossvine grows in sunny fields atop forest canopies far from our human eyes. These wonderful flowers bloom for the Fae and all of our relations in the sky. Along with the ability to retrieve long forgotten memories, they carry rain and thunder medicine as that is what is needed to bring them down to the earth to harvest. A perfect companion to some of these other plants we use to help us cross over to those hard-to-reach places. 

A note on our language about the plants: When we are talking about these plant spirits we have to understand that what we are talking about is something that lives in a different realm or plane of consciousness than this one we spend most of our time in. These other planes do not follow the same rules and laws of science and society that exist here. Assuming a plant has a gender is trying to define it by the laws and rules of this plane. I find that many plants present both masculine and feminine, as well as genderless, and that their genders can be ever changing. From my experience, this seems normal in their world. When I use a masculine or feminine pronoun in describing a plant, it is by no means definitive of the plant, but only symbolic of a particular attribute’s more masculine or feminine qualities.