Truffle Tips, journey work, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Truffle Tips, journey work, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black


Customers consistently report back positive, healing, and nurturing experiences with Datura. Datura serves as a pivotal ingredient in my handcrafted chocolate nightshade truffles. When indulging in these decadent treats, most individuals find themselves enveloped in Datura's boundless compassion, which she expresses through attentive listening and the ability to offer profound insights. This unique connection with Datura often leads to…

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Restoring Ancient Memories
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Restoring Ancient Memories

For me, it’s more that these plants are one of the best facilitators out there to help us achieve the paradigm shifts needed to free ourselves from our learned outlooks on things such as education, teaching, academia, learning, higher consciousness, etc. Once we are free of them, we can start seeing how much that old thinking limited us….

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Trusting Your Own Medicine
Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

Trusting Your Own Medicine

It can be tricky being amongst so many practitioners who come from completely different traditions than my own. It ultimately makes me stronger in my own medicine but a lot of what makes that happen is accepting how different my own walk is and to not try to conform or question my ways because everyone else suddenly does things a different way and many sound pretty sure that that is the way something should be done.

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Kathryn Solie Interviews Seumas (Audio)
Pathwork Emporium Black Pathwork Emporium Black

Kathryn Solie Interviews Seumas (Audio)

Kathryn Solie of Persephone’s Path interviewed Seamus about his journey to creating the truffles (audio). They discuss his time working with the Native American Church, living on a reservation, and how this inspired his vision for the truffles. He explains how his relationship with the plants has developed and how their influence guides the creation of each truffle.

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Breakfast of Champions
Truffle Tips Emporium Black Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Breakfast of Champions

It may not occur to people to eat a nightshade truffle first thing in the morning, but in fact, one of my favorite times to eat one is after a cup of coffee and maybe a light breakfast.

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