Learning to Use the Unused Parts of Your Brain
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Learning to Use the Unused Parts of Your Brain

Learning to use the unused parts of your brain. I think you’ll find with continued use that it may take less (truffle) to get to that same place which is partially why I don't offer a stronger variety. They are all quite strong as they are now, it just takes a little practice to work with them. When we eat them we are learning to use new parts of our brain and learning to exercise with muscles we've never used before.

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What to Expect (Original Version)
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What to Expect (Original Version)

What to expect when you eat one of our Nightshade Truffles. I recommend starting by slowly and thoughtfully eating just half of a truffle. Within fifteen minutes…

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Unwrapping Our Spiritual Gifts
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Unwrapping Our Spiritual Gifts

A friend/customer was asking if I could share information about a connection they heard of between Datura and a certain animal spirit medicine as they carry that animal spirit medicine themselves. “It's great that you get that from your personal relationship from Datura. If that's what Datura told you, it's part of your relationship and connection with the plant, but in general I am not a fan of making generalized associations or classifications of what a plant medicine is or isn't...just like animal spirits. Coyote means very different things to different people (and different tribes)...just like Datura means different things to different people (and tribes).

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The Calling of the Plants (My Own Road)
Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

The Calling of the Plants (My Own Road)

Mandrake was the nightshade that initially called out to me. One day, out of the blue, just became obsessed with it. Spiritually I come from a different background and wasn’t really familiar with the more Euro-based occult and witchcraft practitioners that had been working with it for years, so I did not have any prior information on it, accurate or not. I was never someone to watch movies or television series on such things either…

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Restoring Ancient Memories
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Restoring Ancient Memories

For me, it’s more that these plants are one of the best facilitators out there to help us achieve the paradigm shifts needed to free ourselves from our learned outlooks on things such as education, teaching, academia, learning, higher consciousness, etc. Once we are free of them, we can start seeing how much that old thinking limited us….

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On Knowing which Truffles to Choose
Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

On Knowing which Truffles to Choose

The truffles really do work differently for different people. Think of them as actual people…a bunch of elders and they each will have a different take on what you are working with but all of them are working in what is your best interest.

I encourage people to look at our various truffles with an empty mind and see if any jump out. They just stick in your head and memory. In my mind that is them calling to you subconsciously. The truffles really do work differently for different people. You could also try reading through our list of truffles and then writing down from memory the ones

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Leveling Up
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Leveling Up

Try to at least temporarily let go of everything you may have already learned about a particular plant and its attributes and any other preconceived ideas about it, no matter how common the ideas may seem to be, before eating one of these truffles.

Preconceived beliefs and mindsets tend to confine potential experiences to fit into the parameters that accompany those beliefs and mindsets.

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Release to Receive
Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Release to Receive

We are like the plant spirits’ children and they will develop unique and powerful relationships with each one of us as individuals. Each one of us may know sides of a plant spirit that someone else may never see because of that unique and personal connection with the plant spirit we each can have.

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Breaking Free
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Breaking Free

None of these truffles are going to be the same for everyone and the experiences each person has with each particular truffle can vary greatly over time. That's because we're working with plant spirits and not drugs.

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Out of the Shadows
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Out of the Shadows

My own thinking is that these sacred plants I grow and use, with nightshades in particular, are really no different than growing pretty much any other plant, even to the extent that most of them grow prolifically in their natural habitats.

If you are called to add ceremony and ritual to your technique, then let the plant guide you and your connection with the plant will be all the stronger for it but to me, that should be between you and the plant.

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Making it More Personal
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Making it More Personal

Something I shared with a customer who was looking to add to the experience, “Maybe a day or two before eating one, build it a special place on your altar or build it its own special altar space to put it to get that intention out there and get you starting to connect with that particular truffle…

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What the Truffles Can & Can’t Do
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What the Truffles Can & Can’t Do

These premium chocolate truffles are to help commune with plant spirits and tap into plant consciousness on a much deeper level. These plants can communicate with us in many ways. It is not uncommon to have them communicate in a visionary way. When you hear people speak of visionary experiences (from eating our truffles), it must be understood that these are closed-eyed visions. Pictures and images that are put in their/our head by the plant spirits as a form of communication and teaching and that people are not actually seeing these things in reality. It’s a distinction that is clear to the person experiencing it.

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More Tips on Surrendering to the Plants in These Truffles
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More Tips on Surrendering to the Plants in These Truffles

Sit quietly with your eyes closed. In your mind's eye, visualize how your lungs and ribcage expand and contract. Follow the rhythm fully and ride each cycle’s wave to its fullest extent. Try to be aware of the complete openness and connected fluidity in expansion (expansion of lungs and ribcage/slow inhaling) with the universe/creation/energy balanced by the nurturing and earthy, grounded hug of contraction (contraction of lungs/slow exhaling).

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 Plants’ Role in Shadow Work
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Plants’ Role in Shadow Work

I would not be such a huge advocate for these plants and or even put them in truffles to sell to the public if they were going to make you look at some dark and heavy shit about yourself without the simultaneous helpful insights that show you the road to healing, growth, and a productive new sense of awareness. I would not be such a huge advocate for these plants or even put them in truffles for general use if I believed they might stir up uncomfortable feelings and insights that leave anyone feeling overwhelmed and/or exposed with no sense of resolution. These plants (and these truffles) will not leave you hanging.

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Trusting Your Own Medicine
Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

Trusting Your Own Medicine

It can be tricky being amongst so many practitioners who come from completely different traditions than my own. It ultimately makes me stronger in my own medicine but a lot of what makes that happen is accepting how different my own walk is and to not try to conform or question my ways because everyone else suddenly does things a different way and many sound pretty sure that that is the way something should be done.

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