This is My Truth~ Dreaming of Sacred Plants

These plants can be great healers in today's broken world

I had numerous dreams about these plants last night and they were all about the same theme. It was a theme I was supposed to remember and share. The first one was an anxiety dream. These plants that I love and know to be so healing. These plants that I share in my products and words because they can be such great healers in today’s broken world. They can heal illnesses of the psyche. They can correct thinking that is not healthy. They can correct mindsets that are not healthy. I have sold a lot of these truffles and heard back from many of my customers and what they say backs my words up. Yet so often I see people tout these very same plants and honor them for granting unhealthy qualities that I strongly believe do not come from the plants. It’s always broken my heart to hear and read. Yet I rarely speak up for fear of rocking the boat and losing sales in the business which supports my family.

Sacred Plant Medicine, Not Poison

My first dream I was put in a social setting where people were mostly interested in exploring how these plants were/are used as poisons and they wanted to talk about that. They were glorifying this very ugly aspect. I have pondered over this for some time. The more I work with these plants, the more I see how hard it would be to kill someone with them. I don’t recommend ingesting without some form of guidance nor do I recommend ingesting large amounts, but I can say the amounts I am comfortable testing in a day for quality assurance and having 20 different varieties has made me realize how hard it would be to kill someone with these plants. (Some plants are far more toxic and I would never use them in a truffle.) All of this testing and I have never even experienced any unpleasant side effects. Even the good effects are short lived…4 to 5 hours tops. Look up the half-lives of their components on Google to see for yourself.

So in my dream I was actually having a conversation trying to think of how to combine the plants and gather and prepare for the strongest effects without someone else noticing and I started having an anxiety attack in my dream that was so extreme it woke me up. I was trying to fit in and too afraid to speak my truth and say this is wrong, this is so wrong. This is like casually trying to plan the best way to orchestrate a school shooting or being obsessed with murderers. People may find it healthy, but if you are reading my posts at all, I am thinking at least part of you recognizes that finding entertainment in vengeful killing has nothing to do with greater healing.

Our Elders Who Guide Us

Likewise in later dreams it kept coming. The plants help us with shadow work by helping us see how to undo our shadows and how to break free of them. I know this to be true. They are not some stoic tool only to see our ugliest truths and then we have to uncomfortably chew on those truths for days while we struggle to find our way free of them. We need to make sure we are not blocking the healing because we are overly focused on examining our own sickness that the plants are trying to heal. Surrender to the plants and ask them for help. Ask them for guidance. Ask them for healing. To use them to only look at our shadows but not receive their fix is to me heart breaking. The plants are not parlor tricks to amuse us as we explore our own psyches…that puts us above them. They are our relations. They are our beloved elders who care so very deeply and want nothing but the best for us. They are gifted healers. They know how to heal things that we do not.

Working with these plants is not only for those tough enough to take it. Working with these plants should be for everyone, for they are great healers and they heal with great beauty, gentleness, and love. If this is not the message you are hearing elsewhere, you may want to consider looking to different sources for information.

This is my truth.

(Originally written January 19, 2022)


Blue Lotus