Gentle Expansion Without Being Altered


Treefrog chillaxing in a datura blossom caught by our friend Amanda @that_beautiful_jerk


"As far as a fear of being ‘altered’, I too have grown to having a very strong aversion to being heavily altered myself. I don't drink or smoke pot and haven't for years. I no longer have any interest in using any entheogen that would make me 'trip' no matter how spiritual it supposedly is.

That’s a big part of why I do love these truffles and these plants (nightshades). They really are that gentle. The amount is much more than a homeopathic dose but these plants only seem to work for this kind of healing in the gentle doses. Its the people who are going hardcore 'more is better' eating an entire datura seedpod, that are having horrible experiences. Those horrible experiences are because they HAVE poisoned themselves. That's not a bad trip, its poisoning.

I don't think these plants have it in them to be evil. they are just so gentle and loving. they really are beautiful."


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