The Puzzle of Who We Are
Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

The Puzzle of Who We Are

I can deeply empathize with the feeling of having one or two extra puzzle pieces that no matter how hard we try to figure out where they belong, they just never seem to fit in. Consequently, we never seem to feel whole or complete. Perhaps the reason we can't find where they fit is because we assumed we had put the rest of the puzzle together correctly. Perhaps the finished image is supposed to look different from what we assumed.

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Trust! (Truffle Prompt)
Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Trust! (Truffle Prompt)

Trust! We must learn to trust ourselves. If we can’t trust ourselves it is very hard to trust what we receive from the plant spirits, our ancestors, and any other relations that are trying to reach out to us. We need to let go of that need for validation. That we need someone to confirm what we think is true

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Forming Personal Relationships with the Plants
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Forming Personal Relationships with the Plants

It can be cathartic to accept that these plants in our truffles really will form a relationship that is unique and special to each one of us as independent individuals. They aren't drugs or medications that are designed to affect everyone the same way. The plants in our truffles have so much more to offer and one of the greatest things that they do offer is their ability to recognize each person's needs and how best to help and heal each one of us based on each of our own particular strengths and weaknesses.

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The Art of Patience
Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

The Art of Patience

The various preparations I make from these plants are the result of years of learning. To me they are not something I could ever teach in a class. Working with these plants is a calling and a lifelong process of building the relationships with each plant and letting them guide me and incorporating that information with everything else I’ve taken in until that point. Preparations (especially for ingestion) are not something to be taken lightly or knowledge that can be acquired after a series of lessons or reading a couple of books. I was lucky enough to be taken under the wings of several different healers and elders along the way.

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Strengthening Our Connection with the Plants During Our Experiences
Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

Strengthening Our Connection with the Plants During Our Experiences

In order to get the most from our experiences working with the plants in these truffles, we must stay quiet & reasonably still to stay truly connected to them once we consume them. The same was true even with my many experiences with Peyote. In Peyote meetings you sit in the same spot for approx.12 hours & for the most part you say nothing. You are supposed to keep your eyes focused mostly on the fire in the center of the teepee. Looking around at others and even shifting your body around too much is considered rude and distracting but these ‘rules’ also keep you plugged into the experience 100%.

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Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life
Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life

Though they can be used for a singular healing session, for me I walk with them daily just as I walk daily with any and all of my other ancestors, family, helpers, and guides. This sacred plant medicine is a way of life. It is the road I walk. Daily they help me see things more clearly, and make connections more easily whether I ingest them or not. Ingestion is just a great way to get crash courses in doing this kind of work, and the more we understand what we are doing and why, the more dedicated that help and guidance becomes.

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Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)
Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)

Gratitude. Even though I do see some people freely discussing the importance of gratitude, I think there are even perhaps more that struggle with the word and the concept. I believe this dichotomy of thought exists because of unhealthy connotations towards the idea of gratitude that so many carry from their own personal pasts.

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Q: How long will the experience last?
FAQ, Truffle Tips Emporium Black FAQ, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Q: How long will the experience last?

Q: How long will the experience last? A: The most noticeable part of your experience will happen within the first hour and will continue to gently fade over the next five to six hours, though many customers report a feeling of well being and connectedness that stays with them for days, as well as restorative and healing sleep frequently colored by vivid dreams.

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Q: Will I be impaired or heavily under the influence?
FAQ, Truffle Tips Emporium Black FAQ, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Q: Will I be impaired or heavily under the influence?

Q: Will I be impaired or heavily under the influence? A: Our truffles are created for gentle and subtle experiences when working with these sacred plants. Even as subtle as they may be, the first hour is when you’ll feel it at its strongest. We always recommend dedicating that time to listening and connecting with the plants and the truffles and save tasks like driving, etc…

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Reverence for Our Inner Voice
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Reverence for Our Inner Voice

For me, a big part of working with these nightshade truffles and these plants is learning to tune in and trust our own inner voice and the guidance we are given from the plants and any other guides that are reaching out to us rather than having someone else tell us what something is or how something should be done. So many people are reaching out to their ancestors and other spirits and this is such a great way to wean ourselves off of a dependence on a middleman or books that may of may not be correct in what they are telling us.

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Gentle Expansion Without Being Altered
Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

Gentle Expansion Without Being Altered

As far as a fear of being ‘altered’, I have grown to having a very strong aversion to being altered myself. I don't drink or smoke pot and haven't for years. I no longer have any interest in using any entheogen that would make me 'trip' no matter how spiritual it supposedly is. That’s a big part of why I do love these truffles and these plants (nightshades). They really are that gentle. The amount is much more than a

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On Knowing which Truffles to Choose
Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

On Knowing which Truffles to Choose

The truffles really do work differently for different people. Think of them as actual people…a bunch of elders and they each will have a different take on what you are working with but all of them are working in what is your best interest.

I encourage people to look at our various truffles with an empty mind and see if any jump out. They just stick in your head and memory. In my mind that is them calling to you subconsciously. The truffles really do work differently for different people. You could also try reading through our list of truffles and then writing down from memory the ones

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Making Our Journeys Our Own
Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

Making Our Journeys Our Own

Sacred, consciousness-altering plants have played a role in indigenous rituals & ceremonies around the globe for centuries. From continent to continent, plants have held different meanings for those who use them. At Emporium Black, we honor these sacred plants and their role in personal and communal journeys of healing and exploration through creating delicious truffles. Our gourmet chocolate truffles offer a gentle way to ingest sacred plants without causing hallucinations or an overwhelming experience.

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A Great Idea from a Customer
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A Great Idea from a Customer

I have tried 6 truffles and just ordered 6 more. Every time I have questions, I come on here and you answer exactly what’s on my mind! I’m slowly learning to meditate, which is one of the messages I received. I save the box tabs of each truffle I consume and write a note of my thoughts. My next order comes Thursday and I picked these 6 out myself. So excited for this healing journey I’m on. ❤️ - C.N.

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Making Things Happen
Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Videos Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Videos Emporium Black

Making Things Happen

Stirring a blend of Belladonna, Datura, & Brugmansia oils into the filling for a fresh batch of our Rainbow Heyoka Nightshade truffles. Wormwood, Anjelica, Chokeberry, Muira Puama, and other natural flavorings have already been mixed in. Rainbow Heyoka is a great one for transformation, transitions, big changes, and even paradigm shifts in thinking along with finding the courage, clarity & peace of mind to do all of these things.

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Awakening Possibilities & Potential
Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

Awakening Possibilities & Potential

There is quite a bit of stigma and bad press about datura seeds. In the beginning I avoided using the seeds in my truffles because I had a fear they would somehow lead to bad experiences...well given everything I had read, it seemed reasonable to think that may be true. One day the plants gave me some new insight that shifted my thinking and took away my fears. Seed pods are the potential for countless as of yet unexpressed lives. Each seed holds the potential for

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More Tips on Surrendering to the Plants in These Truffles
Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

More Tips on Surrendering to the Plants in These Truffles

Sit quietly with your eyes closed. In your mind's eye, visualize how your lungs and ribcage expand and contract. Follow the rhythm fully and ride each cycle’s wave to its fullest extent. Try to be aware of the complete openness and connected fluidity in expansion (expansion of lungs and ribcage/slow inhaling) with the universe/creation/energy balanced by the nurturing and earthy, grounded hug of contraction (contraction of lungs/slow exhaling).

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