Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)

Gratitude woman in sky artist heather thornton

Art by: Heather Thornton

Even though I do see some people freely discussing the importance of gratitude, I think there are even perhaps more that struggle with the word and the concept. I believe this dichotomy of thought exists because of unhealthy connotations towards the idea of gratitude that so many carry from their own personal pasts.

I sense that a lot of the people I know who had unhealthy experiences with Christianity (and the like) in childhood struggle with certain concepts like gratitude perhaps because it is difficult to fully separate their bad experiences from the actual word(s) and its(their) definition.

There are some concepts (and words) like gratitude though that do just keep coming up regardless of one’s spiritual path. From my observation, I can not think of any major religion or spiritual path that does not share a good sized amount of universal truths with all of the rest (whether they acknowledge they are shared or not).

If your path now feels very different than the ones your parents tried to lead you down, try to stay receptive that there may be some good left over that still applies today...the Universal Truths. We are all more alike than we sometimes realize and that’s a good thing. We just need to train ourselves to start focusing more on those similarities than the differences meanwhile still celebrating all of the diversity.
The above can be used as a prompt when eating any of our nightshade truffles.


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