Unwinding Trauma: Reviews of Pleiadean Moon and Sun King Nightshade Truffles (Customer Review)
Customer Review, Pleiadean Moon Emporium Black Customer Review, Pleiadean Moon Emporium Black

Unwinding Trauma: Reviews of Pleiadean Moon and Sun King Nightshade Truffles (Customer Review)

Anyone with trauma can attest to the difficulties of a fearful body. I had meant to eat a nightshade truffle closer to bedtime– but instead took it around sunset. It returned an intuitiveness which allowed my muscles to relax and unwind effortlessly. This one returned me to the present, which is no easy feat. It felt like it brought a visual blush to the already rosy haze of sunset…

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Breaking Barriers and Finding Connection (Customer Review)
Customer Review Emporium Black Customer Review Emporium Black

Breaking Barriers and Finding Connection (Customer Review)

the nightshade truffles helped me connect. It helped me break past some barriers that I told myself I wasn't strong enough to break down. One day in particular, I won't ever forget it, I got a message of tough love. It caught me off guard, lol, but it was loud enough for me to finally hear. I genuinely don't think I would be where I am without the help of the truffles and the spirits that you work with…

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A Magickal Weekend
Truffle Tips, journey work Emporium Black Truffle Tips, journey work Emporium Black

A Magickal Weekend

I wanted to share some shots from the other weekend. It was classes, discussions, a guided journey, and group work using one of my truffles…It was a huge step for me as after some bitter experiences in the first couple of years with Emporium Black I had stopped putting myself out there anymore than needed. After what feels like a rebirth for me this last winter and yet another cycle of transformation and peeling off the layers of my most recent cocoon it now feels like time to…

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Trust! (Truffle Prompt)
Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Trust! (Truffle Prompt)

Trust! We must learn to trust ourselves. If we can’t trust ourselves it is very hard to trust what we receive from the plant spirits, our ancestors, and any other relations that are trying to reach out to us. We need to let go of that need for validation. That we need someone to confirm what we think is true

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Encouraging Trust
Pathwork Emporium Black Pathwork Emporium Black

Encouraging Trust

To me the best teachers are the ones we find upon reflection, looking back over our lives. Sometimes there were people who may not have even been in our lives very long but something they did or said managed to stick with us for a lifetime, forever influencing who we continue to be.

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Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life
Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Sacred Plant Medicine as a Way of Life

Though they can be used for a singular healing session, for me I walk with them daily just as I walk daily with any and all of my other ancestors, family, helpers, and guides. This sacred plant medicine is a way of life. It is the road I walk. Daily they help me see things more clearly, and make connections more easily whether I ingest them or not. Ingestion is just a great way to get crash courses in doing this kind of work, and the more we understand what we are doing and why, the more dedicated that help and guidance becomes.

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Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)
Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)

Gratitude. Even though I do see some people freely discussing the importance of gratitude, I think there are even perhaps more that struggle with the word and the concept. I believe this dichotomy of thought exists because of unhealthy connotations towards the idea of gratitude that so many carry from their own personal pasts.

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Emporium Black’s New Clothes
Pathwork Emporium Black Pathwork Emporium Black

Emporium Black’s New Clothes

A large print of Mucha’s La Plume Calendar hung framed by my bedroom door for the majority of my childhood and I always loved it. My bed was positioned in the opposite corner of the room so every night as I lay in bed I would study that incredible piece of art and when I awoke it would be one of the first things I saw. To this day I still see Mucha’s style reflected in my own taste and illustration style. Art influences our lives.

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Drink from the Well
Pathwork Emporium Black Pathwork Emporium Black

Drink from the Well

What does the world need right now? I asked this of plants and they answered that what so many people need right now is the permission to feel happiness and joy again. There is an important difference between the joy and happiness that start to emerge from shadow work, soul searching, and a willingness to confront one’s darkest truths vs the empty and false appearance of an assumed joy and happiness that is affected by sheer will, but absent of personal growth. The joy and happiness gained by pathwork may not be quick to come but they are as real as the pain and darkness that preceded them.

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